The Murphy Label symbolizes HOPE and here is my story behind why.
There have been so many times in my life where I have been blessed beyond measure with success. From pageants to college athletics… to starting a photography business and renovating a school house amidst a pandemic and hosting 70+ weddings within a year and a half… to building an empire and family between Ten Oh Eight and The School House Venue… to then sharing my love of hats with the world through creating this new label, The Murphy Label. Truly, we are so blessed.
But the one avenue of my life where I have struggled with success is our fertility journey.
Our first pregnancy:
I have always been told by doctors that I would struggle with starting a family, but there was still hope. Sean and I found out we were pregnant the same week we closed on the school house venue. (The day I found out, I peed on a stick in the woods pre-construction at the school house, before photographing a family session, and it was very very positive.) Surprised, scared, and excited we knew we would be great parents to a little miracle babe. Then there is MURPHY— I always talk about my crazy baby names ideas and I knew I wanted to name my first baby Murphy (had to talk my husband, Sean, into loving that name haha but that was my name for our little babe.) Unfortunately, after a few weeks, we found out the pregnancy was tubal — which meant I had an ectopic pregnancy, after multiple ER visits, I was rushed to immediate emergency surgery, and lost the pregnancy. We were absolutely devastated by our first experience with pregnancy, but there was still hope.
Our second pregnancy:
After months and months of fertility treatments, test on test, weight gain, fatigue, hair loss etc, we found out we were pregnant again. Scared because of our first pregnancy experience, but excited as hell, because we thought our Murphy was coming! As soon as we found out, we told our families, because it was so important to us to have prayers surrounding us. After our first few weeks of appointments, we realized something was wrong, which then lead to a miscarriage. Our hearts were shattered… but we tried so hard to humble ourselves in this journey knowing there was still hope.
The Murphy Label mini launch happened the week I miscarried. At a time in my life where there was so much sadness, The Murphy Label began to come to fruition.
My sweet friend told me that peace and sadness will one day dance together, and I couldn’t think of any truer words than that. But, with peace and sadness…there is still hope. Hope that our infertility journey will speak to another, hope that our longing to be parents will be fulfilled by the good Lord —no matter what that journey looks like for us, and hope that The Murphy Label will touch many many lives and instill hope in anyone in their time of struggle. My hope is that The Murphy Label makes you look good, feel good, and sparks a sense of hope in your heart for whatever walk that life is taking you on… because there is still hope 🤍
xo Erin